Be Somebody in College

Somebody University

College can be , well , new.

Sure, you might think you are 100% prepared for classes, clubs, sporting events, doing your own grocery shopping and figuring out to adult - but truthfully , college is about figuring all that out.

It’s a time to make new friends, try a new club, or realize that you are not the best at biology. All are very important phases of life that are needed to become somebody you love!

What is Somebody University ?

Right now, we are an online platform sharing tips for college kids for life , school, adulting and more! We also pop up on campuses with to speak at clubs and events, hand out goodies at tailgates, and have the cutest University sweatshirts for your casual class attire.

Soon, we hope to open chapters at different university’s to connect in person with your school mates, host events, invite speakers to share tips to the club, host fundraisers to give back , provide scholarships and so much more.

good resume builders for college kids

Somebody University is looking for new chapters !

If you are looking for the perfect resume builder by helping us launch a chapter at your school - send us an email!